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Feb 26, 2019

**Important Message** Angels Don't Lie Facebook Live will only be available out of the private group Facebook group. Please send Jeanne an email to join the group. Jeanne has a great message about emotions and feelings. Prayers to our callers - Cassandra, Nicole, Barbara, Hillary, Lisa, Katharine, Michelle and Simone...

Feb 22, 2019

Jeanne comes to you live from Inspirit Healing Studio. The messages from Spirit always fill a void for the entire group. Jeanne talks with Gail, Arlene, Allison, Samantha, Barbara and more, plus a Q&A session at the end. Find out about the new SHINE event.

Feb 12, 2019

Jeanne has some sass for you tonight. Topics include Alkaline diet - celery juice, lemon, cayenne; Acai berry; Universal truths; church. Callers have messages for everyone. Thanks to Kathy, Debra, Noel and Gene for calling tonight!  Prayers for all!

Feb 6, 2019

Jeanne has a great show for you! Divination tools is the topic tonight. Jeanne talks about angel cards and does a couple card readings with a sassy one thrown in! Anger and grief are strong tonight with callers experiencing loss and asking for connection to loved ones. A surprise - international caller - IRELAND. Yes!...